Evangelism Programme
This course provides every believer with practical tools and strategies for effective evangelising in today’s society, presenting biblical truths to those of none or other faiths.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, believers will be empowered, equipped and enabled to effectively share the Gospel bringing souls into the Kingdom
Programme Outline
1. General Introduction to the Course
2. The Theology of Evangelism & Mission
3. Sin & God’s Grace
4. Practical & Effective Methods of Evangelism
5. 1) Practical & Effective Methods of Evangelism cont’d
2) ealing with Excuses
6. Modified Alpha
7. 1) Qualification for Effective Power Evangelism
2) The Work of the Holy Spirit & Prayer in Evangelism
8. Evangelism in a multi-faith context
9. Impact of Post- modernity on the church
10. Introduction to Church Planting
11. Evaluation of the Course